The Veela and Sheevra of the Alvarin clade have lived on the remote continent of Urmothâr for as long as history recalls, although the name actually means New Jungle Lands. The Sheevra have a settlement in Toxai, Myrland, but except for the relations with the Khurites they have very little contact with other human races.
Many Sheevra have abandoned the nomadic lifestyle of the Veela and now live in permanent, sophisticated cave complexes. Like the Veela they are an animistic society which fears and seeks to control Anam, the spirits of nature who are believed to be present in all things. The Sheevra are known for their power to shape inorganic matter, however the constituents of this ability remain a mystery to most outsiders. Because of their enigmatic culture and foreign visage human civilizations tend to regard them with suspicion, although their skills in stone and gem crafting are highly valued.
Adapted to survival in the caves of Urmothâr, the Sheevra are small, lean and incredibly agile people with exceptional mental and sensory awareness.
The Veela and Sheevra of the Alvarin clade have lived on the remote continent of Urmothâr for as long as history recalls, although the name actually means New Jungle Lands. Aside from a few futile attempts by the Tindremic Empire to colonize the land, contacts between the Veela and human civilizations have been sporadic at best.
The Veela live as hunter-gatherers and generally group in complex patterns of non-permanent tribes. The tribes often have an underground counterpart among the Sheevra. Their animistic society revolves around fearing and controlling Anam, the spirits of nature who are believed to be present in all things. The Veela are known for their power to shape organic things, however the constituents of this ability remain a mystery to most outsiders. Because of their nomadic culture and foreign visage many anthropologists consider them to be primitive, and human civilizations tend to regard them with suspicion and sometimes fear.
Adapted to survival in the jungle-like environments of Urmothâr, the Veela are small, lean and incredibly agile people with exceptional mental and sensory awareness.
Below the equator to the south-west lies the arid desert covered continent of Sarducaa. Scattered among the sands are the lush oases which provide homes for the Sarducaan people. In the past the Sarducaans have withstood incursions by both Tindremenes and Kallards, but the nations are now at peace.
Sarducaa is divided into provinces called sepats. While some of these are autonomous, the invasions urged many of the sepats to unite under the rule of the Sarducaan Empire. Today, Empyrean rule is characterized by technological and agricultural developments that drive ambitious urban planning.
Cultural wisdom teaches that the desert is a living entity, and the Sarducaans easily accept many of the strange phenomena that can be observed among its dunes. This mythos has shaped the Sarducaans natural affinity for philosophy and magic – traits which are molded by a powerful Magi priesthood.
The Kallardian continent of Nordveld is a place of magnificent mountains and bitter cold. Once this realm was home to many warmongering klans, but history tells of their consolidation under one chieftain to fight the invasion of the Tindremic forces. Many years have passed, and although there has been a truce between the two peoples since the Conflux, it is an uneasy peace.
Throughout history, the Kallards and Blainn have been allies. The two races live together in relatively autonomous klans ruled by Hövdings, which are part of larger regions called läns. Important decisions are made in assemblies called tings, where every free man has the right to vote.
The harsh conditions of this northern realm have fostered a tall and physically strong race in the Kallards. Though not as physically or mentally dextrous as other races they have a strength of will that is unmatched.
At some point deep in the mists of pre-history one of Nave’s continents sank into the ocean, carrying with it the entire Shinarian civilization. Today only their slave race, the Sidoians, remain. They have long roamed the earth searching for remnants of their former masters knowledge.
The majority of Sidoians are wanderers and explorers. They only make pilgrimage home to Sidoia a few times in their lives to share their discoveries. Their culture, divided into workers and philosophers, revolves heavily around the mathematical and geometric skills they use in their quest for lost knowledge. These talented nomads often sell their services as teachers and craftsmen.
The meticulous dogmas of Sidoian society have resulted in a racial inclination towards logic, reasoning, and sagacity. Despite their intellectual skills, they’re a powerful people who value raw strength and endurance over physical agility.
The ancient Khurites have long endured as nomadic hunters and herdsmen. Living closely with their herds, they are among the best horsemen in the world. These fierce, nomadic people identify themselves by tribe rather than race, and tribal wars are common.
Morin Khur is the only permanent Khurite settlement, and the only place of peace between the tribes. Each fourth year, the tribes converge to exchange goods, wedding vows and stories. Although Morin Khur considers the Tindremic Empire its ally, there are suspicions that emissaries of the Empire are actively sowing seeds of conflict between the tribes.
Adapted to survival on the steppes, the Khurite are small, lean, muscular people with almond eyes and ruddy skin. Acclimated to life in harsh environments, they have been known to lead their herds where even Kallards refuse to venture.
The Tindremenes are renowned for their history as conquerors. Before the the Tindremic Empire dominated large parts of the known world, with outposts in every corner of the realm. Those days of glory are over, but the Tindremenes still regard themselves as the finest, most advanced civilization in the world.
The Tindremic society uses a complicated caste system that envelops every man and woman born or assimilated into the empire, but only pure-blooded Tindremenes are allowed in the higher castes. Because the Empire has several academies and each free citizen is expected to have at least one year of education, Tindremic society has a high degree of literacy.
The rich nutritional resources available in a comfortable climate have coupled with the high standard of living in a well developed society. These factors have led to a Tindremic bloodline which favors intellectual superiority over lesser physical traits.
The product of the tragic union between Risar and Human, the hybrid Thursar are the offspring of crimes committed in the wake of battle. Mothers of both races frequently abandon their bastard children to be raised in squalor and exploited as slaves.
Because the prejudices of society deprive them of honorable means of survival, many Thursar are forced to turn to violence. These circumstances only serve to reinforce society’s view of them as brutish criminals. A few Thursar have forsaken the civilized world and joined together, forming passive communities in an attempt to avoid the torments of suspicion and discrimination.
The Thursar possess traits that exceed both of their races of origin. From the Risar, they inherit strength and fortitude which are enhanced by Human intelligence. Their naturally quick healing enables them to survive their youth and hone their reflexes and cunning to a fearsome level.
The Blainn race is the youngest of the Oghmir clade. At some point in history they separated from their Huérgar ancestors and settled in the cold mountains of Nordveld, merging their lives and cultures with the native Kallards. As centuries passed and their use of Ichor declined, they began to change and adapt to their new climate and culture.
The two races now exist together, living in the same klans and at times even in the same households. The Blainn enjoy all the respect, rights and privileges granted to all Kallard people, including the right to vote during tings. They have not completely abandoned their origins though, and prefer to live in mountainous regions with rich ore and sturdy housing.
The Blainn have retained much of their Huérgar ancestry in their muscular physique, dense bone structure, social introversion, and aptitude for logic. They have grown slightly taller than their forefathers, and developed thick body hair to protect them from the cold. The lack of Ichor usage has resulted in more delicate, pale, bluish skin and they suffer less from the inherent diseases that plague their ancestors.
Before the Conflux many Huérgar lived above ground, although they were never ones to mingle easily with the other races of Nave. When their alliance with the Tindremic Empire fractured, most Huérgar families chose to withdraw from the outside world to the safety and seclusion of their stronghold, Gal Barag, deep within the Talus Mountains.
Little is known about the true Huérgar. Those who remain outside have adapted and assimilated. They continue to worship Oghma, goddess of stone and metals, whom they see as the creator of the Oghmir clade. Belief is that her blood runs through the rocks in the form of Ichor. This liquid metal, used in a number of rituals,constitutes a fundamental part of Huérgar religion.The people almost seem to have a physical need for it.
Their small stature, dense bone structure and heavy physique suit their nature as cave dwellers, or is perhaps a result of it. Centuries of exposure to Ichor has both blessed and cursed them. Their tough reddish skin and exceptional night vision come at the cost of skin diseases and light sensitivity. Human societies perceive them as introverted, but their sense of logic is unmatched.